Gardening / Outdoors, Spring

Antsy for Spring

Wherever you are in the world – is it Spring yet?  Here in Oregon, USA we just had three glorious days of gorgeous sunshine with yesterday hitting 60 degrees F.  We have heavy, thick clouds today, so thought I would reflect back on the happiness that was the last 3 days.

I went for a walk yesterday and found that winter had turned to spring it seemed in just a day.



The sky was blue, so blue, that I craned my neck over and over again with unbelieving eyes.

As I walked to the park, practically skipping with joy, I found smiling people everywhere.  The fountain in the rose garden was bursting with expectation.  The trees were swaying in the gentle breeze and all things stretched with heads held high.

Lamp PostUpon my return, I couldn’t resist but to tidy the garden and then plant a few veggies.  I know, it’s only early March, but I planted beets, kale, spinach and snap peas, all perfect to get started in Oregon while the soil is still a bit chilly.

Small, but mine.  Tidied up and ready for Spring!
Small, but mine. Tidied up and ready for Spring!
Hard to see - but newly planted - 30 days before the first Snap Peas - can't wait.
Hard to see – but newly planted – 30 days before the first Snap Peas – can’t wait.

Tomatoes will come in May and soon the flowers will start to flourish – just like last year…


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHere’s to Spring, which lays upon us that hopeful ray of sun and brings a huge smile to my face.  How about you – seen any sun lately?  Spring Fever hit you yet?



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