

Friday Fictioneers – a blog with a photo prompt – Every, you guessed it, Friday.  Here’s my 100 word story.

Beach - by Renee Homan Heath
Photo by Renee Homan Heath

Swept Away?
by Gretchen Fogelstrom

The shadows are growing long.  I know it’s time to go home, to face her.  Deep down, I know she is right.  I need to go back to school.

But I’ve always felt alive on the beach, nowhere else.  The rest of the world seems too chaotic.  The rhythm of the rising and setting of the sun, the in and out of waves, they help me breathe. The biggest crazy, is when the wind kicks up and the waves grow large.

The wind is kicking up now.  And the waves are at my toes.  What if a rogue wave comes?  Could I be swept away?  Could I become one with the fish?

Aren’t I philosophic?  Hmm, maybe philosophy as a major?

30 thoughts on “FRIDAY FICTIONEERS: Swept Away?”

  1. I liked this. For me the photo had an end of summer feeling and your story captured this. I hope he thinks again about his choice of subject.

  2. the ocean refreshes my spirit and makes me calm. I understand not wanting to leave it. you bring that feeling to me in this piece.

    “The biggest crazy, is when the wind kicks up and the waves grow large.” — a favorite line.

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